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2024-08-01 newsletter
Greetings from 12 Seasons Farm,
We hope this newsletter finds you well. We have returned from a
cross-country journey. We had a marvelous vacation. We reconnected with
friends and family, experienced amazing hospitality, and saw
extraordinary parts of this country’s vast landscape. There are some
photos below highlighting the trip.
The vegetable season is mostly over, but we do have a number of
fruits available such as starfruit, passionfruit, banana, papaya, and
avocado. These should be available for the next few weeks. If
interested, you can place an order by Thursday nights and pick up on
This will be the last newsletter for awhile, but the summer options
will be open on the website for the next few weeks.
Here is our schedule for the next few weeks:
SATURDAY FARM PICK-UP : Please place an order online
before THURSDAY, 8 pm. For farm pick-up on Saturday, please come to
14840 Old Olga Rd., Ft. Myers, FL 33905.
Orders can be placed online at
If you ever need assistance while picking up an order, directions to
the farm, or have questions, please feel free to text or call Danny at
This is what we are harvesting:
- Flat Kale
- Greek Basil
- Lemongrass
- Starfruit
- Papaya
- Banana
- Avocado
- Papaya
- Jackfruit (by request only, $2/#; fruits large size, about 10-12#
each) - Passionfruit (limited)
- SW FL Wildflower Honey
- Strawberry Butter
We have started harvesting jackfruit. If anyone is interested, please
put in customer notes or contact me directly. The fruits are rather
large at 10-12# each. They are $2/#.
We are in good supply of delicious starfruit!
Kate with this morning’s avocado harvest. They are on the small size,
but have an exceptionally rich buttery texture.
Here are the kids snacking on Greek basil, one of the few herbs we
have available. It is a perennial herb and grows well in the summer
here. The Greek basil plants are in the planter box behind the kids.
We began sowing for next season, starting 2 weeks ago.
As many of you know we took a family trip to reconnect with friends
and family and to see some of this country’s national treasures. I
wanted our kids to experience one of my greatest childhood memories of
traveling with family from California to Illinois every other summer.
These were special times with my family and I learned so much. We
planned this trip for years and we traveled over 9000 miles visiting
many US National Parks and various state parks. We were hosted so kindly
by so many friends and family members. It has been a great summer for us
as a family.
We really enjoyed Custer State Park in South Dakota with the
We visited friends Dave and Anita Morneau who I worked with 30 years
ago at ECHO. They are ranchers in Lander, Wyoming. Dave moves this
irrigation wheel line 2x/day, each morning and evening so he can get as
much hay cut and stored before winter. It was fun helping around their
farm. Dave also works as a Conservation Technician at the Popo Agie
Conservation District helping ranchers implement best management
practices to improve water quality in the major rivers and creeks that
make up the Popo Agie Watershed.
We all participated in helping them make their annual supply of
sauerkraut. Their son Luke worked for us 2 seasons ago. Perhaps in some
years one or several of our kids can work on their ranch.
We got to see my younger brother Stephen and family during the visit
with Dave and Anita who graciously hosted us all. We were at Sinks
Canyon State Park in Wyoming in the above photo.
We continued west in Wyoming over the continental divide en route to
Grand Teton National Park.
We enjoyed camping stays in Grand Teton National Park (above) and in
Yellowstone National Park.
We then traveled north for 3 nights at Parkside Campground in Custer
National Forest, southeast of Red Lodge, Montana. My older brother Jon
(seen in photo) met us there driving from Washington and stayed 2 nights
with us.
We drove up the Beartooth Scenic Highway with my brother Jon and the
kids got to see and play in snow above 10,000 feet in July!
After Simeon played on the snow with bare feet, he exclaimed, “I
guess there really is a reason shoes exist!”
We stayed in Oklahoma City several days with Vicki’s mom (top right
of photo). Her brother Jeremey (next to Vicki) and wife Di live close by
and visited along with brother Marco (at end of table). Our kids had fun
playing with their cousins!
On our way back to Florida, we visited the Anderson Family in Oliver
Springs, TN, who worked at 12 Seasons several years ago. It was so great
to see their 4 acre homestead.
Last week we returned to Florida after staying two nights at Manatee
Springs State Park.
We have had a most thrilling adventure reconnecting with family and
friends and enjoying the beauties of this great land.
As we reflect on this past season, our hearts our full of gratitude
to you for supporting our family and team so kindly and faithfully. We
are thankful for a great season and are excited about the one that is
just beginning. We are working hard on the farm preparing the soil and
starting the seedlings.
And while this newsletter is full of many family photos, we recognize
the essential and profound efforts of the entire 12 Seasons Team who did
valiant work this season. To all who labored in the fields, we thank
you!!! Well done!!!
Thank you all– customers, team members, friends, and family. Life is
a journey shaped deeply by whom you encounter and journey alongside. We
are privileged to share the road with you on this journey homeward.
We wish you a great summer and look forward to serving you healthy,
fresh, and delicious fruits and vegetables!
Danny, Vicki, the kids, and the 12 Seasons Team
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