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2023-12-23 newsletter
Greetings from 12 Seasons Farm,
I wish you all could see the beehive of activity here at the farm.
The amount of hands and coordinated activities it takes to cultivate a
crop and bring it to fruition is impressive. This week was one of those
weeks where a lot of timely, significant work was achieved. We are
grateful to work another season with a capable and energetic team.
This week we will be at the Captiva Farmers Market on Dec. 26. We
won’t have the option for preorders or home deliveries due to Monday
being a Holiday, but we plan to have plenty of produce to buy off the
table. We should be able to resume the pre-order option for pick-up for
Captiva next week on Jan. 2.
Thank you to all who support us either through farm pick-ups, home
deliveries, or the farmers markets.
Here is our updated schedule this week:
South Seas Island Resort , Captiva. Buy directly from
the stand this week as preorders and Sanibel/Captiva home deliveries are
turned off this week due to Christmas Holiday. Market will be open both
Dec. 26 and Jan. 2. ** **
INCLUDING SANIBEL AND CAPTIVA): Please place an order online
before TUESDAY, 8 pm. For farm pick-up on Thursday, please come to 14840
Old Olga Rd., Ft. Myers, FL 33905.
8am-noon at the Promenade Shops at Bonita Bay. Buy directly from the
stand or place a preorder online by Thursday, 8 pm.
Orders can be placed online at **
This is what we are harvesting:
- Summercrisp Lettuce
- Baby Butterhead Lettuce
- Large Leaf Butterhead Lettuce
- Romaine Lettuce
- Arugula
- Zucchini
- Cucumbers
- Eggplant
- Sweet Italian Bull’s Horn Peppers
- Broccolini (limited)
- Cabbage (limited)
- Cherry tomatoes
- Campari tomatoes
- Heirloom/Specialty tomatoes
- Red Slicing tomatoes
- Round radish
- Daikon radish
- Cilantro
- Dill
- Avocado
- Pummelo
- Lemons
- Navel oranges
- Papaya
- Starfruit
- Banana
- SW FL Saw Palmetto Honey
- SW FL Wildflower Honey
This week we covered 2 greenhouse frames with 6 mil plastic. We
custom made our own vent system which appears to work really well. Now,
both houses are fully planted. It is challenging to pull all this off in
a typical week where we are doing the typical crop seeding, planting,
maintenance, harvesting, and packing.
Farming takes an enormous amount of human energy. The 12 Seasons team
worked great this past week. I am very proud off them!
Our family is truly touched by all the ways so many of you have
blessed us this season with very affirming words and generous support.
We thank you and hope this coming season is one where you experience the
goodness that is intended for you!
Merry Christmas!
Danny, Vicki, the kids, and the 12 Seasons Team
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